Ep 10: Hiring the right people with Scott Brown

Greg and James are joined by Scott Brown from Ultimate Mortgage Group talking about his brokerage and his success. 

Welcome to Lead to Close: The Mortgage Professionals Podcast featuring authentic and real conversations amongst Canadian mortgage pros. Hosted by industry leaders Greg Williamson and James Loewen, with unfiltered opinions and no topic off limits, these are the conversations you wished the industry was having.

On this episode of Lead to Close, we’re joined by Scott Brown from Ultimate Mortgage Group based out of Toronto. Scott created Ultimate Mortgage Group in 2006 with his partners, and last year was their biggest and most successful year yet.

Hiring the right people into your business can bring positive change in so many ways. Not only do they bring their own unique skills and perspective, but they also free your time so you can focus on growing the business. During the episode, Scott explains what he’s done right—and what he’d do differently—looking back on his experience in this industry.


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On this Episode of Lead to Close:

  • A snapshot of where Scott is at now in his career.
  • What they are currently working towards at Ultimate Mortgage Group.
  • How hiring new staff was a win-win-win for his business.
  • Why Scott is still passionate about working in this industry.
  • The mortgage tech stack Ultimate Mortgage Group is working with.
  • Why his clients love Finmo and why he thinks everyone should use it.
  • The opportunities of working in a down market.
  • How micro commitments lend to the success of the business.
  • Details of the systems, processes, and client journey.
  • Where most deals tend to fall apart and how Scott manages this.
  • How Ultimate Mortgage Group functions like small businesses inside a big business.
  • The type of people Scott hires and how they are compensated.
  • How business is doing so far this year.
  • Scott’s approach for next year and what he thinks will happen.
  • Tips for creating more freedom in your mortgage business.
Ultimate Mortgage Group: https://ultmgroup.com

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